
Category: Monthly Rotations

Cathe July 2021 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s July 2021 Workout Rotation

This month we will focus on body part-specific heavy training days offset with a few different cardio types. Work hard, lift heavy and challenge yourself each week! As always, make sure to stay hydrated and get adequate rest! You’ve got this! 

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Cathe's May 2021 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s May 2021 Workout Rotation

This month we have a mix of cardio types, total body workouts, and muscle group-specific training. We’ll change it up a little each week to keep your muscles guessing and get you the best results! As always, take an extra rest day if needed or swap out a workout that doesn’t work for you!  Get in and work hard! 

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Cathe Friedrich's Rock Bottoms 2 April 2021 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s Rock Bottoms 2 April 2021 Workout Rotation

This month we will be doing an updated version of my Rock Bottoms rotation!  I’ve received multiple requests to update the workouts in this rotation and although the bonus butt workout (BBW) remains the same as the last Rock Bottoms rotation (why fix something that isn’t broken… wink!), the workouts have been updated for each week. This rotation is more aggressive than many of my others so please add an extra off day if needed or substitute a gentler workout wherever you need to. Remember, this is YOUR workout schedule and it must always work for you!  Have fun, get plenty of water, plenty of rest, and give me what you can! You’ve got this!

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Cathe's March 2021 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s March 2021 Workout Rotation

This month we’ll focus on muscle confusion with a mix of cardio types, circuit training, and focused weight training. Each week will challenge your endurance and your strength! Please add in an extra rest day if needed and make sure you’re fueling your body with healthy food choices! Enjoy!

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Cathe's February 2021 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s February 2021 Workout Rotation

This month we will focus on mixing up our strength and cardio workouts from multiple series to keep our muscles firing in different ways throughout the month. Each week will contain a strength/cardio endurance workout day, a HiiT day,  an upper body and a lower body day, a step day, and a total body training day.

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Cathe's January 2021 Kickstart Workout Rotation 

Cathe’s January 2021 Kickstart Workout Rotation 

What better way to make sure we kick the year off right than with my new intense January 2021 Kickstart Workout Rotation ! Whether you’re setting fresh goals or continuing where you left off last year, this rotation is sure to burn off some extra Christmas cookies! This rotation mixes my newest series, Perfect 30, with the Ripped with HiiT series for an intense, super sweaty month of challenging workouts! Each week will include one day of yoga and one day of mobility to offset five days of intense routines! If you need any extra rest or stretch days please take them! Let’s get in and get to it! 

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Cathe's December 2020 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s December 2020 Workout Rotation

This month we’ll focus on building strength and burning fat with split workouts.  All of your weight workouts will be done as split workouts instead of doing total body weight routines.   You’ll also have a variety of cardio to shake things up and keep your metabolism rev’d up!  This holiday season let’s really focus on keeping ourselves healthy and strong!

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Cathe's September 2020 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s September 2020 Workout Rotation

This month (September 2020 Workout Rotationwe) has a solid mix of weight work and cardio from four different series. Each week we will stay within one series with workouts arranged to successfully hit both strength and cardio goals. Please take extra breaks as needed and drink plenty of water! You’ve got this! 

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Cathe's August 2020 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s August 2020 Workout Rotation

This month ( August 2020 Workout Rotation) we’ll focus on alternating weight and cardio challenges to keep our muscles pumped and our endurance up. Add an additional rest day if needed at any point throughout the month! Remember, eat well, stay hydrated (especially in these hot summer months) and try to get adequate amounts of sleep so that your hard-working muscles can fully recover!  You can do this!

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