About Cathe dot Com

In 1988, Cathe Friedrich and Chris Williams founded Step N Motion Videos, now known as Cathe dot Com. They were the first to sell fitness videos online and now Cathe.com is one of the best-known fitness DVD  and video sites on the web.

Cathe dot Com is located in Glassboro, New Jersey. This 60,000 sq ft facility features one of the best equipped health clubs in the USA along with a world class 6,000 sq ft filming studio where we film all of our own workouts. All warehouse, shipping, editing, graphics, web design and offices are located on site offering a one of the kind total production facility.

Cathe dot Com’s mission is to provide customers a health club quality workout in the privacy of their own homes, never forgetting Cathe’s three guiding principles: Professionalism, Passion, and Quality. We retain a tight control on our brand following  our Golden Rule:  if you want a job done right – do it yourself!  From video production and web design to shipping  we do almost everything in-house.

Over 400 fitness DVDs and downloads are featured in the Cathe dot Com video library, which is one of the largest privately owned fitness video library in the world.

Hi, I'm Cathe

I want to help you get in the best shape of your life and stay healthy with my workout videos, DVDs and Free Weekly Newsletter. Here are several ways you can watch and work out to my exercise videos and purchase my fitness products:

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