Category: Success Stories

A Single Moment Can Change Your Life by Liz Balmer

A Single Moment Can Change Your Life by Liz Balmer

It’s funny how a single moment can change your life forever. For me, that moment was a few weeks after I turned 40, when I was driving home from dinner at a friend’s house. I was at a stoplight when I was suddenly rear-ended by a man who was experiencing some sort of diabetic episode and hadn’t recognized that the traffic in front of him was stopped. He slammed into the back of my car going approximately 40 mph.

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Turning 50 by Linda Russo

Turning 50 by Linda Russo

This is not some great weight loss success story, my story is more about staying fit as I age. I always hated exercise in my younger years, but as I started aging I did not like the direction my body was heading in. I had no energy from lack of exercise and from hypothyroidism. At age 41 I decided it was time to take charge and get myself fit and healthy.

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Complete Health Thanks to Cathe and Her Crew by Karen

Complete Health Thanks to Cathe and Her Crew by Karen

As I approach my 30th birthday this February my husband recently told me he thinks I look stronger and better than I did when we met 11 years ago. For the first time in my life I could acknowledge to my husband and myself that I agree with him. I could actually say the words, “Thank you” instead of arguing that he was wrong. Thanks to Cathe and her passion I have discovered and maintained true strength, health, and confidence in my life.

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js56 Success Story

Cathe’s Workouts SAVED My Life!!! by js56

For the past six years, my mornings begin with Cathe Friedrich and her stellar fitness crew, which also includes Amanda, Katie, Nancy, Greg, Rob, Denise, Deazie, Stuart, Marc, Marlo, Kate, and Al. My journey as a Cathelete started September 2009 after several years of doing other
workout DVDs at home and later experienced a plateau where I did not feel appropriately challenged anymore.

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Success Story Spotlight by Jeanne

Success Story Spotlight: Success Thanks to Cathe by Jeanne

Hello, I am 45-year-old full-time legal assistant. I have suffered from a movement disorder my entire life. It has taken me years to get my symptoms under control. But, with determination and a little (okay A LOT) of help from Cathe, my health issues have not kept me from being in the best shape of my life.

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Brandee's success story after pic

Success Story: Stay Healthy: You Never Know What Will Be Required Of You by Brandee

My success story is a little different than the typical story. My journey with Cathe began 10 years ago after the birth of my second child. I would record her workouts from Fit TV, onto my VCR and do them while my kids napped. I was immediately and permanently hooked. Working out with Cathe helped get my body into great condition. I felt fantastic, ran marathons for fun, and people often commented on my great arms, or legs.

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Ellie's after pic

Success Story Spotlight: Cathe for Life by Ellie from Italy

My fight against obesity goes back to 1999. I weighted 74 kilos, I was in my twenties and studying at University. I decided I had to do something to lose weight, so started to correct my diet and lost 12-14 kilos, but stayed overweight for a long time. The scale was stuck, I thought that a clean diet was all I had to do and exercise was something I thought I could not fit in my daily routine.

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Postpartum journey by Tarra

Postpartum Journey by Tarra

I had exercised with Cathe in the past as I have a lot of her dvds. When she came out with the Xtrain program I decided to start the program in April of 2013. Just a few short weeks later I discovered I was pregnant with my second child. Although we were so excited to welcome another little one, I was so worried about being able to get back my pre-pregnancy body for the second time, especially with everyone warning how much harder it would be the second time around. But I kept on working out while I was pregnant. I missing very few workouts, even during the first 3 months when the pregnancy really got me down.

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Keila Smith Success Story After Pic

Success Story Spotlight: My Dream Becomes a Reality by Keila Smith

My fitness journey with Cathe started in 2005. I weighed almost 250 pounds. I had tried fad diets, different workout DVDs, and even gym memberships. It seemed nothing worked and I didn’t stick with any of them. Then one day, I skeptically purchased a step aerobics kit. It came with the step, hand weights, band, and stability ball and an instructional Cathe DVD set. I had never heard of Cathe but I purchased the kit anyway.

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Breast Cancer Only Made Me Stonger

Breast Cancer Only Made Me Stronger by Yvette M.

I have followed Cathe since she was on Fit TV. Fitness and healthy eating have always been priorities in my life. I taught kickboxing for over 6 years and I enjoy helping people reach their fitness goals. A year and a half ago I found a lump in my left breast and was diagnosed with breast cancer. A week later I had a single mastectomy. Three days later I was rushed into emergency surgery because I was bleeding internally.

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mrouse621 Family Picture

Weight Loss with 6 Kids by mrouse621

My husband and I have been married for 14 years and we have 6 kids, our oldest being 12 and the youngest being 3. Both of us have had a really hard time losing weight and sticking to a consistent diet.

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The Profound Effects of Exercise by Joy

The Profound Effects of Exercise by Joy

My name is Joy. I am a stay-at-home mother to four beautiful children and wife to an amazing husband. Eight years ago I became pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl, and delivered them via c-section at 37 weeks gestation with no problems. Within 10 months I found myself pregnant again and quickly after my second delivery I was pregnant again for the third time, so that, in three years and three months, I had delivered all four of my children.

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