
Category: Monthly Rotations

Cathe July 2022 Workout Rotation

Cathe July 2022 Workout Rotation

Hi Everyone!  This month (July 2022 Workout Rotation)  we’ll shake things up with split weight days, circuits, and cardio to keep your muscles guessing and your fat burning! Take extra rest if needed and make sure you properly fuel your body to get your best results. Let’s get in and get busy!

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Cathe's June 2022 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s June 2022 Workout Rotation

This month ( June 2022 Workout Rotation) we’ll work not only on cardio and muscle endurance, but also on giving our minds and bodies a little extra care with yoga, mobility and additional extended stretches throughout the month.

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Cathe's May 2022 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s May 2022 Workout Rotation

Hi Everyone! This month ( May 2022 Workout Rotation) we’ll focus on body part-specific weight workouts mixed with a couple of days of intense cardio. We’ll hit the lower body twice each week, once with a plyometric cardio flare and once with solid heavy weights. Give your all to each weight routine and if you find your body needs a rest day in between please take it. As always, eat well, sleep well and listen to your body. Enjoy!  

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Cathe's April 2022 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s April 2022 Workout Rotation

This month we will focus on revving up the metabolism and kicking some serious calories with a mixture of intense cardio and total bodyweight routines. There’s no time for downtime as you go back and forth between cardio and weight training days with a little extra athletic bootcamp action mid-week! Make sure you fuel up and stay hydrated so that you can hit each workout with everything you’ve got! 

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Cathe's March 2022 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s March 2022 Workout Rotation

I know that you have been crushing your workout routines with intensity and strength!  This month we’ll keep the momentum going with a wide range of workouts that will have you huffing, puffing, lifting and transforming! Some workouts are longer and others shorter, but all of them require your focus and strength. Be sure to take extra rest as needed throughout the month and keep drinking your water.  You’ve got this! 

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Cathe February 2022 Workout Rotation

Cathe February 2022 Workout Rotation

This month ( February 2022 Workout Rotation ) we’ll focus on strength and stamina as we alternate weight days and cardio days including three different cardio types each week. If you aren’t a stepper you can replace the IMAX days with an intense cardio of choice. Please insert extra rest days as needed. You’ve got this! 

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Cathe January 2022 Kickstart Rotation

Cathe January 2022 Kickstart Rotation

This month we will mix Boss Bands Total Body and Boss Loops Glutes & Core with the XTrain Series to help you build lean muscle while also sweating out extra toxins and burning off the unwanted holiday pounds. Please take extra rest days whenever needed and try to keep your food choices healthy!  You’ve got this!

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Cathe's December 2021 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s December 2021 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s December 2021 workout rotation mixes older workouts and newer workouts as well as a mix of total bodyweight workouts and multiple cardio types.  The goal is to keep that metabolism revved up to help handle any extra holiday calories… wink!  Have fun and take extra rest as needed. Let’s finish this year with strength and stamina!  You’ve got this!

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Cathe's November 2021 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s November 2021 Workout Rotation

This month ( November 2021 Workout Rotation ) we give thanks for many things, one of the most important of those things being our health. This month we will celebrate our strengths with four of my series, one different series each week. 

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Cathe's October 2021 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s October 2021 Workout Rotation

We are officially in October, the month of tricks, treats and more treats! With temptations of Halloween candies and goodies all around us, we are going to make sure we come in strong and go out even stronger!  This month’s rotation ( October 2021 Workout Rotation) is a bit of a boot camp blast with boot camp workouts, cardio leg and circuit workouts all mixed into each week to keep those muscles on fire and those extra calories burning!  We will slow it down in between for some focused heavier weight training. Make sure to stay hydrated and take extra rest as needed! Stay strong and stay spooky! Happy Halloween, everyone!

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Cathe's September 2021 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s September 2021 Workout Rotation

This month ( September 2021 Workout Rotation ) we will focus on hitting the muscles with a mix of both weight training as well as training with the resistance of band and body-weight work to give you the best bang for your buck! We’ll sprinkle in some intense cardio to keep everything firing throughout the month! Give each workout everything you’ve got! If you feel that an extra rest day is needed at any point always listen to your body and take one. You’ve got this! Get in there and get some results! 

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Cathe August 2021 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s August 2021 Workout Rotation

This month ( August 2021 workout Rotation ) we’ll focus on a mixture of weight training, cardio, and circuit-type workouts. This rotation is sure to test your muscle and cardio endurance! Be sure to stay hydrated and eat plenty of healthy nutrients! As always take an extra rest day if needed!  Have fun! 

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