Cathe’s August 2020 Workout Rotation

Cathe's August 2020 Workout Rotation


Hi Everyone,

This month ( August 2020 Workout Rotation) we’ll focus on alternating weight and cardio challenges to keep our muscles pumped and our endurance up. Add an additional rest day if needed at any point throughout the month! Remember, eat well, stay hydrated (especially in these hot summer months) and try to get adequate amounts of sleep so that your hard-working muscles can fully recover!  You can do this!

OnDemand QuickSelect ™ For Cathe’s August 2020 Workout Rotation
iOS, Android, Apple TV, and Roku Cathe OnDemand Users: The Cathe August 2020 Workout Rotation is available now in your app. Just click on the rotation icon in your app to view this month’s rotation.

Web Browser Users:  Note: If you’re an OnDemand subscriber make sure you’re logged into your account through your browser and then just click on the links in my August 2020 Workout Rotation to instantly launch and view your video. Monthly workout rotations are normally published on the first Monday of each month.


Week 1

M Pyramid Pump Upper Body

Pyramid Pump Lower Body

W Tabatacise


F CycleMax or cardio of choice

S Total Body Giant Sets

S Off


Week 2

M HiiT Circuit Upper Body

T HiiT Circuit Lower Body

W Cardio Party

T Athletic Training

F Ride or cardio of choice

S STS Total Body

S Off


Week 3

M Chiseled Upper Body

Chiseled Lower Body Blast

W All Out Low Impact

T Cardio Supersets

F Muscle Max

S Pedal Power or cardio of choice

S Off


Week 4

M Trisets Upper Body

Trisets Lower Body

W Plyo HiiT one

T Boot Camp Circuit

F Cycle Sweat or cardio of choice

S Power Hour

S Off

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