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Breakdown for “To The Max”

Think of Athletic Training and take it to the next level. This multi-impact workout never slows down! It’s a constant rotation of drill based movement patterns, both on and off the step, mixed with total body explosive movements. Varied step heights and hand weight selections are used to enhance intensity. This workout leaves you burning,…

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Two New Ways to Get Your Butt Kicked by Cathe!

We’ve now just finished filming Cathe’s new CrossFire and To the Max workouts! Joining Cathe this time were Cedie, Jai, Brenda and Marlo. We will share more details, video clips and pictures on our Facebook Fan page, Blog, Newsletter and forums over the next several weeks, so make sure to keep checking back. We’ve already…

Losing False Fat
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Losing False Fat

False fat, or excess inflammation and bloating around the midsection, can account for pounds of excess weight many people battle. Proponents of False Fat diets point out many dieters struggle with an extra five or ten pounds of weight – especially around the midsection – not for lack of exercise or overindulgence, but because they’re eating the wrong foods.

3 Mineral Deficiencies That Female Athletes Need to Be Aware Of
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3 Mineral Deficiencies That Female Athletes Need to Be Aware Of

Female athletes and women who exercise need to be concerned about nutrition. Not only is it necessary to monitor amounts of macronutrients like protein, fat, and carbs, micronutrients are important too. Here are three important mineral deficiencies that female athletes need to be aware of.

Exercise Recovery: How Sipping Tomato Juice Helps
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Exercise Recovery: How Sipping Tomato Juice Helps

Still sipping a sports drink to recover after a workout? Try tomato juice instead. A new study shows that sipping tomato juice may protect cells against oxidative damage that occurs during an intense workout. Find out why tomato juice helps and the other benefits of sipping this bright red beverage.