Exercise Recovery: Does the Temperature of the Room You Recover in Affect Muscle Recovery?
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Exercise Recovery: Does the Temperature of the Room You Recover in Affect Muscle Recovery?

Exercise recovery is important, especially if you work out more than once a day. One factor that may influence how fast your muscles recover is the temperature of the room you recover in. Find out why – and discover other ways to speed up muscle recovery after exercise.

Love the Taste of Fat? It Could Be in Your Taste Buds
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Love the Taste of Fat? It Could Be in Your Taste Buds

We have receptors on our tongue that can detect the taste of something sweet, salty, sour, bitter and savory, but what about fat? The taste of fat may be joining the ranks as a taste your taste buds can sense and respond to, and, this may explain why some people crave fatty foods.

Fidgeting Away the Pounds: How Many Calories Does Fidgeting Burn?
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Fidgeting Away the Pounds: How Many Calories Does Fidgeting Burn?

Are you a fidgeter? Have you ever wondered how many calories you burn during the day from moving your legs and arms and squirming in your chair – and whether it gives you any fitness or weight control advantage? The results may surprise you. You’ll also discover how to train yourself to fidget more.

How a Diet of Processed Foods Leads to Body Fat That Is Hard to Lose
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How a Diet of Processed Foods Leads to Body Fat That Is Hard to Lose

The booming business of processed meals, snacks, and beverages has surged over the past 50 years. Convenience foods with chemical ingredients replace traditional home-cooked meals. Snack foods promote excess calorie consumption. Sweet beverages increase your appetite. These products are charged with flavor and entice you to eat more and more.