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I’ve been exercising regularly since 1983. That was when I was seeing a doctor for depression. Along with medication, he suggested that I start exercising. I took some fitness classes at college and found that I did indeed have a happier outlook on life when I was active several times a week. I started running…

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February 2011 Rock Bottoms Rotation

Hi Everyone! Upon your request I have revised and updated the ROCK BOTTOMS June 06 rotation. That means this month’s rotation is all about the “bottom line” J But remember, hard work pays off twice as fast ( and really shows off that newly sculpted bottom) when it is accompanied by a very clean diet….

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Moms Can Love Their Bodies Too!! by Darcy

I began my fitness journey over ten years ago at 25 years old. I was overweight and not happy in my skin. I started my journey with workout DVDs and quickly found Cathe. Wow. Loved ’em from the get-go. With the help of exercise videos and changing my diet, I soon lost the weight I…