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Jai’s Bio

Jai Stulpinas: I am 36 years old, married, and have two spoiled miniature dachsies, Nathan & Kashi. I met Cathe 6 years ago when I started her taking classes and getting my butt kicked by the petite powerhouse…but having sooooo much fun! I teach aerobics twice a week and work out an additional 3-4 times…

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8 Days to Go!

Happy August 17th everybody! Last nights filmed rehearsal was a toughie but goodie…..we worked so hard that we were literally drenched. I had to change my shirt in the middle of rehearsal and wash my face since the salt from my sweat actually crystalized on my skin. Ok, maybe a little too much information, ha!…

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Low Impact Circuit Breakdown

Low Impact Circuit is an intermediate to advanced low-impact total body workout that Cathe has designed to be done on a 6 or 8 inch step. If you’re looking for a workout that is joint friendly, but still challenging, then this workout is for you. Equipment used in this workout includes: a long step,dynaband, light…