Thirteen Important Reasons Why You Need More Zinc in Your Diet
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Thirteen Important Reasons Why You Need More Zinc in Your Diet

Zinc is a micromineral that the body only needs in very small quantities. In spite of this, your health can suffer if your diet does not contain enough zinc, and it is thought that a shocking 75% of people in the Western world may not have a high enough zinc intake. Certain foods are particularly good sources of zinc, including mushrooms, nuts, beans, and spinach. Although you have probably heard that you can benefit from zinc supplements or a diet that is richer in zinc, you may not know just why this micromineral can be so important for your physical health. Read on to discover thirteen fascinating and significant reasons why a higher intake of zinc could help to improve and extend your life.

Eleven Fascinating Health Benefits of Raisins
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Eleven Fascinating Health Benefits of Raisins

Raisins are wrinkled fruits with a sweet, sugary taste and a sticky texture. They are an extremely popular snack, as they are high in energy but low in fat, and many people love to add them to yogurts or cereals. In addition to being delicious, it turns out that they are also extremely good for your health. Read on to discover the eleven more significant reasons why adding more raisins to your diet could help to improve and extend your life.

5 Surprising Nutritional Facts About Nuts
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5 Surprising Nutritional Facts About Nuts

There are lots of good reasons to choose nuts as a snack over chips and other carby snacks. Nuts offer a variety of health benefits that has earned them the status of being “good for you.” But there’s more to nuts than meets the eye. Discover five nutritional facts about nuts you might not know.

Gluten-Free Diets: Fleeting Fads or Life Savers?
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Gluten-Free Diets: Fleeting Fads or Life Savers?

Although most people look at the gluten-free diet trend as a passing fad, it is actually a necessity for a large portion of the population. With changes in wheat’s protein structure and the ubiquitous nature of its proteins in processed foods, the number of those who have celiac disease or other levels of gluten sensitivity continues to grow.

Healthy, Lower Carb Alternatives to White Rice, Potatoes and Pasta
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Healthy, Lower Carb Alternatives to White Rice, Potatoes and Pasta

Trying to eat healthier carbs? You don’t have to give up your favorite comfort foods. Here are some healthy, low-carb alternatives to higher glycemic foods like rice, potatoes and pasta. Not only are they lower in carbs, they have fewer calories as well.

Are Hybrid Fruits and Vegetables Healthy – or Not?
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Are Hybrid Fruits and Vegetables Healthy – or Not?

Have you ever heard of brokali or a pluot? These are both hybrid forms of produce that are available in some supermarkets. You can expect to see more of hybridized fruits and vegetables in the future. Some people are afraid to eat them because they believe they’re genetically modified. Find out how hybrid vegetables and fruits differ from genetically modified ones and whether they’re likely to be safe.

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5 Healthy Ways to Use Fruit as a Dessert

Fruit is a good alternative from a health and calorie standpoint to more decadent desserts, but there are healthy ways to make fruit taste even more like dessert without adding inches to your waistline. Here are five fruit desserts you can make quickly that are just as healthy as they are tasty.