Can Active Recovery Between Strength-Training Sets Boost Your Fitness Gains?

Can Active Recovery Between Strength-Training Sets Boost Your Fitness Gains?

Can a period of active recovery between weight sets boost your strength-training performance? Some research suggests that it can. Find out what active recovery is, how to use it in your strength-training workout and what the benefits might be.

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XTRAIN 100 Rep Challenges

Getting stronger and getting toned muscles is not just about developing strong muscles by lifting heavier weights, but also increasing neural pathways from your brain to your muscles. In fact, until you thoroughly develop neural pathways to a muscle it is very difficult to increase the size of that muscle or to even get the maximum benefit of your training effort. You’re only as strong as your weakest link and most people focus on what they do best, not what they need to work the most. This is where XTRAIN 100 Rep Challenges can help and why we have included them in this series.

Are Hydroponically-Grown Vegetables as Healthy as Conventional Ones?
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Are Hydroponically-Grown Vegetables as Healthy as Conventional Ones?

When buying vegetables to put on your dinner plate, there are conventionally-grown and organic ones – but that’s not the only option. Hydroponically-grown vegetables are also starting to appear in more supermarkets. Find out more about hydroponic vegetables and whether they’re a good alternative to buying organic.

Nutrition Confusion: How Many People Really Read Nutrition Labels?
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Nutrition Confusion: How Many People Really Read Nutrition Labels?

Nutrition labels are on most products at the supermarket these days. Have you ever wondered how many people read or care about them? As it turns out, consumers feel confused about nutrition and nutrition labels. Find out more about what this study shows.

Nine Amazing Health Benefits of Kidney Beans
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Nine Amazing Health Benefits of Kidney Beans

Kidney beans are named after their distinctive shape, and they are available both dried and canned all year long. Their savory taste makes them a popular ingredient in salads and chili recipes, and it turns out that they are extremely good for your body as well. Read on to discover the nine most significant reasons why adding more kidney beans to your diet could boost your health and improve your quality of life.