Eleven Fascinating Health Benefits of Tomatoes
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Eleven Fascinating Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Tomatoes are extremely popular, as they are highly versatile and can be included in a wide range of recipes. They can be enjoyed as part of salads or soups, and they can be turned into a sauce for a delicious pasta meal. As it turns out, they are also very good for your health, promoting vital processes in your body and reducing your risk of developing a range of medical problems. Read on to discover the eleven most significant and interesting reasons why adding more tomatoes to your diet could help to improve and extend your life.

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A big thank you to all of our 2012 Glassboro Road Trippers!!!

  A big thank you to all of our 2012 Glassboro Road Trippers!!! I apologize for my delay in sending this message out but as I mentioned on the RT my father is battling cancer and currently enduring a rough patch where he needs my family’s help and support. I’d like to thank you all…

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Cathe’s August 2012 Rotation

Hi Everyone! *This month we will do an undulating rotation that varies from light weight to heavy weight, circuit workouts to Hiit workouts etc. *Your body will work hard to keep up with its “confused” muscles. *Good nutrition seals the deal so make that happen too! *Have “fun”!   WEEK ONE Mon…Low Impact Circuit Tues…Low…

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Menopause is no reason to get fat! by Tiffany

In February 201,2 poor eating habits had left me overweight and miserable. None of my clothing was fitting any more. I had slacked off my workouts.I began to look bloated. When I went to my doctor for my annual exam she told me my blood sugar was high. After further testing I learned that I…

Exactly What Is Muscle Memory?
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Exactly What Is Muscle Memory?

You haven’t ridden a bicycle in years. Yet despite your lack of recent pedaling experience, you’re still able to hop on a bike and go for a spin. Ever wondered why? It all has to do with “muscle memory.” Despite the name, muscle memory really has more to do with brain pathways than it does muscle fibers. Here’s why muscle memory is such a powerful force when it comes to riding a bike or maintaining a toned physique.

How to Improve Digestion by Eating for Your Blood Type
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How to Improve Digestion by Eating for Your Blood Type

The four blood types O, A, B, and AB developed at different points in human history and tend to be concentrated differently around the world. As a result, your blood type may contain helpful clues as to which foods to avoid and which to include in your diet. Eating with your blood type can ultimately lead to improved digestion, energy, and even weight loss.

Beyond Peanut Butter: Discover the Health Benefits of Other Nut Butters
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Beyond Peanut Butter: Discover the Health Benefits of Other Nut Butters

Peanut butter is filling and a good source of fiber and protein. That’s why health-conscious people enjoy eating it in moderation. But peanut butter isn’t the only nut butter on the block. Here are some other nut butters to try and ideas for how to enjoy them.