
Category: Nutrition

How Brain Neurotransmitters Make It Easier or Harder to Control Your Appetite

How Brain Neurotransmitters Make It Easier or Harder to Control Your Appetite

What is it that motivates you to eat – or to overeat? Your appetite is regulated by a complex group of peptides including appetite hormones like leptin, produced by fat cells. Leptin turns off your appetite and reduces the desire to eat. Ghrelin, a hormone produced by the lining of your stomach has the opposite effect – it strongly stimulates the desire to eat. Think mad rush to the refrigerator! These hormones exert their effects on a portion of your brain called the hypothalamus.

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What Role Do Free Radicals Play in Aging?

What Role Do Free Radicals Play in Aging?

Is aging a product of oxidative stress and free radicals – or IS it? This article discusses the evidence for and against the free radical theory of aging and the role free radicals play in health, aging and longevity.

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Maintaining Weight Loss: The Composition of What You Eat Matters

Maintaining Weight Loss: The Composition of What You Eat Matters

Losing weight is part of the battle but maintaining it can be tough too. One problem is resting metabolic rate slows down after weight loss. That means you have to reduce your calorie intake to compensate. On a positive note, research suggests that altering the composition of what you eat may reduce the compensatory decline in metabolic rate that happens after weight loss. Find out more.

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Does the Type of Fat You Eat Affect Your Memory?

Does the Type of Fat You Eat Affect Your Memory?

Who doesn’t want to preserve their brain cells and memory as they age? Unfortunately, cognitive decline is all too common with age. On the plus side, there’s evidence that changing the type of fats in your diet may have an impact on brain aging and how sharp your memory is. Find out more about fats, brain function and memory.

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Does the Diet You Eat Alter Your Genes?

Does the Diet You Eat Alter Your Genes?

We think of genes as being static. What you’re born with, you’re stuck with. That’s not a good thing if you inherited genes that put you at increased risk for heart disease, cancer or Alzheimer’s disease. On the other hand, those genes may or may not be expressed depending upon your lifestyle and diet. Can you alter the expression of your genes by simply changing what you eat?

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