
Category: Nutrition

Food Fraud

Is What You Eat What You Think It Is? Unmasking Food Fraud

Are the foods you’re eating real or fake? From fake olive oil to mislabeled seafood, consumers are unknowingly being misled, putting their health and wallets at risk. This article looks at how to be a savvy shopper, fight back against deception, and enjoy a fraud-free grocery experience.

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Psychology of Eating

Unraveling the Psychology of Eating: Why We Eat What We Eat

Eating is more than just satisfying hunger. It’s deeply linked to our emotions, body image, and environment. This article explores the psychology behind eating habits, uncovering how stress, boredom, and even plate size can influence what and how much we eat. Learn how to identify emotional triggers, develop mindful eating practices, and build a healthier relationship with food for a happier, healthier you.

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Green tea and weight loss

Green Tea for Weight Loss: Hype or Hope? Science Weighs In

Ever wonder if green tea can truly help you shed pounds? In this article, we’ll explore potential weight loss benefits of green tea from a scientific perspective and see if it can be a helpful tool in your wellness journey. While results may vary, green tea remains a delicious and healthy beverage to add to your routine.

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