White Lightning Chili
Yummy, healthy chicken chili, perfect on a cold winter’s day
Yummy, healthy chicken chili, perfect on a cold winter’s day
It not only tastes great but you will be helping to fulfill Daily Values for health-promoting nutrients such as vitamin K (140%), niacin (88%), and protein (78%). Enjoy!
Oats and apples – a healthy combination!
Like most people I spent years as a yo-yo dieter and an again off again exerciser. I’ve been a member of at least four gyms. Three of which I never set foot inside again after the first three months of membership! I gained and lost the same 10-20 pounds more times then I can count….
Our new Free Workout Manager beta 3.0 is now Live! – Click Here This will be the first of 5 upgrades we have planned for the Workout Manager over the next several months. In this update you will find a much improved interface and reports system as well as a food search, food diary, food…
My story is a little different from most. I have been thin my entire life. In fact, when I was younger I did everything to try to gain weight, which doesn’t make for a very healthy diet. At one point, my cholesterol was well over 200. I was tired all the time. I was finally…
This week’s featured Fitness by Cathe accessory is Cathe’s 24 in. X 68 in. Yoga Mat – Blue, but hurry this special is for a limited time only and will end on Sunday, January 9 . Use coupon code “FP-15” when prompted and save 15% off the regular price.
An immune boosting, very tasty smoothie full of Vitamin C!
Happy New Year! Well, you guessed it, New Years Resolutions are in full swing now and if you’re like most of the population, you are in fat loss mode attempting to take care of the typical 5 to 10 pound gain that accumulated over the holiday season. This month’s rotation focuses on fat loss… period! So…
Healthy, but Yummy, Snack!
A comfort food with a creamy, spicy flavor, this rice pudding packs in some fiber.
This no-crust recipe is delicous and healthy!