Cedie – High Reps
This is a picture of Cedie doing a Double arm Kickback with a band during the filming of High Reps. And of course she was counting too!
This is a picture of Cedie doing a Double arm Kickback with a band during the filming of High Reps. And of course she was counting too!
This is a picture of Amanda working up a sweat during the filming of High Reps.
This is a picture of Nancy during the filming of STS Total Body. Nancy is a Cathlete and was one of our winners at our Daytona Road trip casting contest.
This is a picture of Nancy, Jai and Amanada doing Cross Back Lunges in High Reps with a Fitness by Cathe Slide disc. These discs are not currently available for purchase, but will be sometime in 2011. In the meantime you can use paper plates for this section of the workout. This segment of the High Reps workout was…
This is a group shot of Cathe and the High Reps crew. Shown left to right: Nancy,Cedie, Brenda, Cathe, Jai and Amanda. The only equipment you need for this workout is a barbell, dumbbells, medium tension stretch band and a paper plate (or sliding discs).
High Reps – an intense, total body, muscular endurance workout loaded with energy, variety and of course, high reps. We’ve also created a customized rockin’ soundtrack that’ll make your muscles lift, pull and stretch while they reach for that last rep. Do this workout one or two times per week and enjoy the benefits of…
This picture of an Incline Barbell Chest Press is from the extra footage that was shot for a special STS Total Body Premix featuring compound only moves. Unlike the regular STS program, STS total Body was performed to a music tempo, but depending on your weight selection and lever length staying on beat may not always…
This is a group shot picture of the STS Total body crew: Brenda, Cedie, Nancy, Cathe, Amanda, Greg and Jai. STS Total body uses a rep range of 12 to 16 reps working both the upper and lower body in the same workout. STS Total Body features both compound and isolation exercises, but to keep the…
This is a picture of Cathe getting ready to make her opening speeches of her four new workouts that we started filming today. The filming day began this morning at 6:30 am and ended at about 10 pm tonight. Everything went extremely well and we could not be more pleased with how everything went today….
Hi Everyone, by now you must have heard about the egg recall. Eggland’s Best, the sponsor of all our Road Trips, has asked me to pass along some important information to you. Not only did I want to let you know that Eggland’s Best eggs are not part of any recall you may have heard about,…
Try this Cajun – Style Recipe
This week’s featured download is Cathe’s Terminator – The Viper $9.97 (Length: 82 Minutes, File Size: 1100 MB), but hurry this special is for a limited time only and will end on Sunday, August 29th. Use coupon code DD30 when prompted and save 30% off the regular price…Purchase and Details