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My A-HA Cathe Moment by Danielle

My healthy lifestyle journey began in March of 2008. This is when I finally realized that the freshman 25 and the 30+ pregnancy pounds I gained were not coming off. Being a full-time working mom it was hard finding the time and energy to get away to the gym to attend classes. I needed something…

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Sign Up for the Glassboro Road Trip Feb 18th!

Registration for The Glassboro Road Trip will begin at 1pm (eastern) on Friday, Feb 18, 2011. Space is limited to the first 105 to register! Registration for the 2011 Glassboro, NJ Road trip will begin tomorrow at 1pm (Friday, Feb 18th). Just go to https://cathe.com/roadtrip/glassboro2011 and click on the Register button (Registration button will not work…

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Sign Up For Our Next Two Cathe Road Trips

Sign Up For Glassboro – Feb 18th – 1pm…….Sign Up For Disney – Feb 25th – 1pm Glassboro Road Trip (July 29th – 31st) Registration for the Glassboro, NJ Road trip will begin on Friday, Feb 18th at 1pm. Just go to https://cathe.com/roadtrip/glassboro2011 (this link will not work until 1pm on Friday, Feb 18th) and…

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Why is Eggland’s Best America’s #1 Egg?

You Are What You Eat At Eggland’s Best, it starts with our hens.  Our farm fresh eggs come from hens that are fed a special diet.  Our patented, all-natural, all-vegetarian feed contains no animal fat, no animal by-products, no recycled or processed food.  Eggland’s Best never uses steroids, antibiotics or hormones of any kind in…

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The Workout Manager Now has Stats!

We’ve just released Workout Manager beta 3.1. In this new release we have added an icon that you will see in the upper right hand corner called “Stats”.  Totals are updated after midnight each day. This new section servers three purposes: 1. Stats will let you quickly see your workout stats for the current month…

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My Health & Fitness Journey by Sara

This is my health story. It’s much more than just a weight-loss narrative- it’s the tale of how I became a stronger, happier, more confident, all-around healthy woman. The things I talk about here are only based on my experience, and I will never say that my way is the right way or the only…