Signs and Symptoms of Insulin Resistance: Can You Be Insulin Resistant and Not Know It?
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Signs and Symptoms of Insulin Resistance: Can You Be Insulin Resistant and Not Know It?

Insulin resistance, or metabolic syndrome, is a precursor to health problems like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Some people assume they’re not at risk because they’re not overweight. Not necessarily so. Twenty-percent of people who are insulin resistant are of normal weight. So how do you know if you have it? This article discusses the symptoms you might experience if you’re insulin resistant and signs that doctors use to make the diagnosis.

The New Super Food: Coffee?
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The New Super Food: Coffee?

Being healthy and fit can at times seem challenging. Getting an adequate nutrition can be especially difficult due to the modern, high-paced lifestyles many people are currently leading. Many use nutritional supplements to help fill unmet nutritional needs. For some, however, even the best supplementation doesn’t seem to be enough.

Carbohydrates and Cognitive Function: Does Sugar Zap Your Brain?
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Carbohydrates and Cognitive Function: Does Sugar Zap Your Brain?

You already know that diets high in processed carbs and sugar aren’t good for your waistline, but a new study points to another drawback of eating the wrong kinds of carbohydrates. It could impact your memory and brain health. Find out more about how diet affects cognitive function and what types of foods to add to your plate – and which to avoid.

High-Intensity Interval Training for Weight Loss
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High-Intensity Interval Training for Weight Loss

Many people who are trying to lose weight have learned to dread the treadmill. They spend countless hours grinding away with steady-state cardio workouts. Although this is one way to achieve your weight loss goals, it is actually not the most efficient. Research has shown that a strategy known as high-intensity interval training is actually much more beneficial.

Is There a Test for Gluten-Sensitivity?
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Is There a Test for Gluten-Sensitivity?

Are you convinced that you’re sensitive to gluten and would benefit from a gluten-free diet? Many people think they feel better on a gluten-free diet but have never been formally diagnosed. Is there a test you can take to find out if you’re sensitive to gluten? Find out how gluten-sensitivity is diagnosed and how it differs from celiac disease.

4 Ways Very Low-Carbohydrate Diets Negatively Impact Health
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4 Ways Very Low-Carbohydrate Diets Negatively Impact Health

Diets that are very low in carbohydrates may not be the best option when it comes to your health. Restricting carbohydrates to 50 grams a day or less could increase the risk for certain health problems. Here are some of the potential drawbacks to a diet that restricts carbs excessively and why eating healthier carbs is a better choice for weight control and health.

Ten Amazing Health Benefits of Grapes
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Ten Amazing Health Benefits of Grapes

Grapes are a traditional gift for the sick, especially when it comes to hospital visits. As it happens, there are some very good reasons to believe that grapes can be beneficial to a person’s body. They are linked to heart health in a number of fascinating ways, and also have a connection with how we age. Consider the following motivations to start snacking on grapes or drinking grape juice.

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Xtrain Chest,Back and Shoulders Workout Time

This is a picture of Cathe getting ready to do a dumbbell pullover on a stability ball in XTrain’s Chest/Back/Shoulders. XTrain Chest/Back/Shoulders is another heavy weight workout in this series that uses weights slightly lighter than Burn Sets,  but also  has slightly higher rep ranges for each exercise. In this upper body workout Cathe keeps the boredom…

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XTrain Legs Workout Times and Premixes

XTrain Legs is a low impact lower body routine that is broken into three regular sections and one Bonus Barre segment. This workout also features seven premixes  with several of the workouts featuring the extra Bonus leg  footage. This workout will also feature a Bonus H ip Thruster 100 rep Challenge   and a Rear Delts section with a…

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XTrain SuperCuts Workout Time

This is a picture of Cathe and Cedie doing a row and arrow in SuperCuts. XTrain SuperCuts is less than 46 minutes, but uses every second to give you a total body conditioning workout and cardio all in the same routine. This will definitely be your go to workout when you want to get both…