The Creative Brew: Exploring the Relationship Between Coffee and Creativity

Coffee and creativity

Coffee has long been a staple of creative people of all ages. Ask any artist or writer, and they’ll swear this warm elixir fires up their creativity. But what does science say? Is there scientific evidence to support this claim, or is the idea that coffee enhances creativity and brain function an old wives’ tale?  Let’s dig deeper into the science behind coffee and creativity and look at how drinking coffee could enhance your creative thinking.

Creative Juices in a Cup: How Drinking Coffee Enhances Your Creative Thinking

To understand whether coffee and creativity are interlinked, you must understand how coffee affects your brain and nervous system. When you sip a cup of coffee, the caffeine from that aromatic beverage travels into your bloodstream. From there, this activating substance travels to your brain where it exerts its activating effects on your nervous system.

Coffee offers its stimulating benefits by blocking receptors in the brain called adenosine receptors that help you relax. Blocking these receptors increases alertness and focus, enhances mood, and reduces fatigue. But how does this translate to creativity?

Did you know that research has found that caffeine consumption can have positive impacts on memory, attention, and mental processing speed? The stimulating effect of this beverage enhances the ability to generate new ideas, connect seemingly unrelated concepts, and help you think outside the box.

Despite the cognitive benefits, studies looking at creativity don’t universally show that coffee makes you more creative. One 2023 found that drinking coffee increases alertness but has little or no effect on creativity. Yet, heightened alertness could indirectly help with creativity, and some people swear that a cup of coffee gets their creative juices flowing and helps them come up with new ideas. Still, studies like this are challenging because it’s hard to objectively measure creativity.

But one thing is clear. If you want your brain to work more efficiently, choose caffeinated coffee. A study that used data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2011–2014 found that caffeinated, but not decaf coffee, boosted cognitive performance.

However, the coffee may not be the full story. An article published in The Atlantic revealed that the background noise in coffee shops boosts the ability to think creatively. So, to maximize creativity even more, drink your coffee in a café.

The Ritualistic Nature of Coffee Encourages Creative Thinking

But it’s not just the caffeine in coffee that could enhance creativity. The act of drinking coffee itself can be a creative stimulant. Many creatives have rituals around their coffee-drinking habits, which stimulate the brain and get the creative juices flowing. When you step away from a project, it can inspire fresh thinking when you return.

Along with these cognitive and behavioral benefits, psychological factors may play a role in coffee’s creativity-boosting power. Coffee is associated with positive emotions and experiences for many people, such as socializing with friends or enjoying a cozy morning ritual. With these positive associations, you take on a more creative and positive mindset, which can lead to more creative thinking.

Coffee Won’t Automatically Boost Creativity

Despite its potential benefits, coffee isn’t a magical cure-all for creative blockages or lack of inspiration. It’s not good for some people to drink too much caffeinated coffee. People who aren’t used to caffeine’s stimulating effects might feel jittery or anxious and have trouble concentrating. Too much caffeine can be a distraction, causing you to feel nervous. Plus, you should be cautious if you have high blood pressure or heart disease.  So, find the right balance and listen to your body’s signals when it comes to caffeine consumption.

The Art of Coffee: Unleashing Your Creative Potential with a Cup of Joe

So, how can you tap into the brain-boosting potential of coffee to enhance your creativity? Here are a few tips:

  • Be mindful when you drink coffee. Spend a few minutes savoring your coffee instead of just chugging it. Make sure you notice the taste, smell, and texture of the coffee, and engage your senses.
  • Take a coffee break. Taking a coffee break can help you come up with some new ideas if you’re stuck in your thinking. Giving your mind a break from monotony can stimulate new ideas.
  • Mix up your coffee routine. Trying new coffee blends or brewing methods can help keep things interesting and stimulate your brain in new ways.
  • Add a pinch of cinnamon. Studies show cinnamon may boost insulin sensitivity and help with blood sugar control – and that’s beneficial for your brain.
  • Use coffee as a social lubricant. Meeting a friend or colleague over coffee can help stimulate conversation and collaboration, which can lead to more creative thinking.
  • Head to a coffee shop to work and benefit from the background noise. For some people, this sparks creativity.

As you know, caffeine can make you jittery and may not be appropriate if you have certain heart conditions, such as atrial fibrillation. So, talk to your doctor before consuming it. Did you know that the Food and Drug Administration says it’s safe for healthy individuals to have about 4 or 5 cups of coffee per day? That’s around 400 milligrams of caffeine, which is considered a safe limit. However, some people metabolize caffeine slowly, and it stays in their system longer.  These individuals may experience side effects when they drink more than a cup or two. So, listen to your body.


There’s evidence that drinking coffee can help enhance your creative thinking. From its neurological effects to its psychological associations, coffee has a lot to offer when it comes to stimulating the brain and getting the creative juices flowing.

When you feel stuck on a project or need a burst of inspiration, brew a cup of coffee. Then take the time to enjoy it and see what happens. It could be the catalyst for unlocking new ideas and creative solutions when you’re “stuck.”  Give it a shot and see where it takes you! It might just be the little boost you need to get those creative juices flowing! You might just be surprised at the results.


  • Caffeine boosts problem-solving ability, but not creativity, a study indicates: While the drug is known to increase focus, alertness and motor skills, its effect on creative thinking had not been studied previously — ScienceDaily (2023). Available at: (Accessed: 4 April 2023).
  • A strong cup of coffee boosts focus and problem-solving — but not creativity (2023). Available at: (Accessed: 4 April 2023).
  • Dong, X., Li, S., Sun, J., Li, Y., & Zhang, D. (2020). Association of Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee and Caffeine Intake from Coffee with Cognitive Performance in Older Adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2011–2014.. Nutrients.
  • Samoggia, A., Prete, M., & Argenti, C. (2020). Functional Needs, Emotions, and Perceptions of Coffee Consumers and Non-Consumers. Sustainability.
  • “Spilling the Beans: How Much Caffeine is Too Much? | FDA.”

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