Tag: leptin levels

Is Leptin Resistance Fueling Your Food Cravings?

Is Leptin Resistance Fueling Your Food Cravings?

Are you constantly craving the wrong foods and can’t seem to satisfy your hunger? This can be a sign of leptin resistance, an under-appreciated cause of weight gain and obesity. Read on and discover more about this condition and what you can do to restore your body’s sensitivity to leptin and make it easier to lose weight.

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How Too Little Sleep Affects Appetite Hormones?

How Too Little Sleep Affects Appetite Hormones?

People who burn the midnight oil may have more trouble controlling their weight. The reason? It could come down to changes in the levels of two key hormones that control appetite. Find out how lack of sleep affects appetite hormones and your ability to lose weight.

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What Happens to Your Body When You Eat a Cheat Meal?

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat a Cheat Meal?

Do you “cheat” on your clean eating plan with a cheat meal or a cheat day on a regular basis? Is this a good practice or does it hinder weight loss? This article discusses how refeeding affects an important hormone that controls your appetite and metabolism.

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Calorie Cycling: Should You Change the Number of Calories You Consume on a Daily Basis?

Calorie Cycling: Should You Change the Number of Calories You Consume on a Daily Basis?

If you’re trying to lose weight, you need to create an energy deficit. One way to do that is to reduce the number of calories you take in each day or increase the number you burn off. Unfortunately, lowering your calorie intake consistently usually leads to a weight loss plateau. In response to this, some people turn to calorie cycling. What is calorie cycling and can it help you lose weight?

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What Is Hunger and How Can You Control It?

What Is Hunger and How Can You Control It?

Feel like you’re always hungry? Hunger is a powerful motivating force that can make life difficult when you’re trying to lose weight. This article discusses the what causes hunger and gives tips for how to control it.

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leptin resistance

What Is Leptin Resistance and How Does It Affect Your Ability to Lose Weight?

Leptin resistance is a common problem among people who are overweight and obese, and it makes it considerably more challenging to lose weight and maintain it. There are natural ways to reduce inflammation, which should have an impact on leptin resistance. Eliminate processed foods and high-glycemic carbs, and add more fruits, vegetables and fatty fish to your diet.

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