Tag: hunger

Calorie Cycling: Should You Change the Number of Calories You Consume on a Daily Basis?

Calorie Cycling: Should You Change the Number of Calories You Consume on a Daily Basis?

If you’re trying to lose weight, you need to create an energy deficit. One way to do that is to reduce the number of calories you take in each day or increase the number you burn off. Unfortunately, lowering your calorie intake consistently usually leads to a weight loss plateau. In response to this, some people turn to calorie cycling. What is calorie cycling and can it help you lose weight?

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What Is Hunger and How Can You Control It?

What Is Hunger and How Can You Control It?

Feel like you’re always hungry? Hunger is a powerful motivating force that can make life difficult when you’re trying to lose weight. This article discusses the what causes hunger and gives tips for how to control it.

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Does how much you think you've eaten affects satiety ?

Does How Much You Think You’ve Eaten Affect Satiety?

A new study shows your brain and higher brain function, especially a part of the brain called the hippocampus, play an important role in controlling satiety and appetite. As it turns out, it may be important how much you think you ate rather than how you ate when it comes to getting full. Find out more about this study and some tips for controlling the amount you eat at a meal.

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sugar cravings

Understanding and Overcoming Sugar Cravings

Though sugar cravings are nearly universal, we often fear and demonize these feelings while blaming ourselves for a supposed lack of self-discipline. Restriction of problem foods leads to feelings of deprivation, causing binging and remorse in an unhealthy cycle of see-saw dieting. Health experts offer a gentler and more holistic point of view on our unending hunger, citing cravings as a great starting point for understanding what our bodies’ true needs are.

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