Tag: heart disease

Are Women the Healthier Sex?

Are Women the Healthier Sex?

Do women have an advantage over men when it comes to good health? When you compare the average life span of men versus women, women live, on average, five years longer than their male counterparts. Interestingly, women have a lower mortality rate at all ages and that goes all the way back to the womb where male fetuses have a higher mortality rate than female fetuses in utero. This applies to all species of animals with the exception of birds.

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Inflammation and Heart Disease: How Strong Is the Link?

Inflammation and Heart Disease: How Strong Is the Link?

You hear so much about cholesterol and the role it plays in heart disease but there’s growing evidence that inflammation may the underlying fire that fuels heart disease. Find out more about the role inflammation plays in heart disease and why a high cholesterol level isn’t the full story.

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Can exercise reduce your stroke risk?

Can Exercise Reduce Your Risk for Stroke?

Can exercise reduce your risk for stroke? Lots of studies have looked at the link between exercise and heart disease. Now a new study explores the link between stroke risk and physical activity. Find out what this study shows, how much exercise is optimal and other ways to lower your risk for stroke through lifestyle changes.

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Does the Diet You Eat Alter Your Genes?

Does the Diet You Eat Alter Your Genes?

We think of genes as being static. What you’re born with, you’re stuck with. That’s not a good thing if you inherited genes that put you at increased risk for heart disease, cancer or Alzheimer’s disease. On the other hand, those genes may or may not be expressed depending upon your lifestyle and diet. Can you alter the expression of your genes by simply changing what you eat?

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How to the different types of fiber to your diet.

How to Add Both Kinds of Fiber to Your Diet

Many people know of “fiber” as a buzzword when talking about how to improve your diet, but few actually understand what fiber is and how it helps. The most essential fundamental to grasp when talking about fiber is that it is essentially indigestible, meaning you won’t actually absorb any nutrients from eating more fiber. It can, however help you maintain a regular digestive system and may lower your risk of heart disease.

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Diet and Heart Health: Minerals You Need for a Healthy Heart

Diet and Heart Health: Minerals You Need for a Healthy Heart

Eating a healthy diet is important for heart health but it’s more than just the types of fats you eat. Micronutrients count when it comes to the health of your heart, especially the mineral composition of your diet. Find out which minerals are most important for the health of your heart and how to get more of them naturally through diet.

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