
Category: Health

Are Hybrid Fruits and Vegetables Healthy - or Not?

Are Hybrid Fruits and Vegetables Healthy – or Not?

Have you ever heard of brokali or a pluot? These are both hybrid forms of produce that are available in some supermarkets. You can expect to see more of hybridized fruits and vegetables in the future. Some people are afraid to eat them because they believe they’re genetically modified. Find out how hybrid vegetables and fruits differ from genetically modified ones and whether they’re likely to be safe.

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Can Leading a Healthy Lifestyle Change Your Genes?

Can Leading a Healthy Lifestyle Change Your Genes?

You probably already know that having certain genes puts you at greater risk for health problems, but you may have more control over your genetics than you think. According to research, healthy habits like eating your vegetables may affect whether or not those bad genes are expressed. Find out more about the link between lifestyle and genetics.

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Ten Amazing Health Benefits of Peanuts

Ten Amazing Health Benefits of Peanuts

Whether shelled or unshelled, peanuts are a popular snack worldwide, and many people also love to eat sandwiches with a peanut butter filling. Although peanuts are classed as nuts, they are actually a member of a family of legumes, and they contain some extremely powerful nutrients that make them extremely good for your body. Read on to discover ten surprising and fascinating reasons why eating more peanuts will improve your quality of life by boosting your health.

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Eleven Fascinating Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Eleven Fascinating Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Tomatoes are extremely popular, as they are highly versatile and can be included in a wide range of recipes. They can be enjoyed as part of salads or soups, and they can be turned into a sauce for a delicious pasta meal. As it turns out, they are also very good for your health, promoting vital processes in your body and reducing your risk of developing a range of medical problems. Read on to discover the eleven most significant and interesting reasons why adding more tomatoes to your diet could help to improve and extend your life.

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How to Improve Digestion by Eating for Your Blood Type

The four blood types O, A, B, and AB developed at different points in human history and tend to be concentrated differently around the world. As a result, your blood type may contain helpful clues as to which foods to avoid and which to include in your diet. Eating with your blood type can ultimately lead to improved digestion, energy, and even weight loss.

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Are Salt Substitutes Better for You Than Salt?

Worried that you’re consuming too much salt? Most people are, and some turn to salt substitutes to get a salty taste without the sodium. Are salt substitutes really healthier than salt? Find out, and discover other ways to lower your sodium intake.

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Are high sodium diets bad for your bones

Why High Sodium Diets Are Bad for Your Bones

You probably already know that eating a high sodium diet isn’t good for your heart or blood vessels, but now there’s a new reason to limit the amount of salt in your diet. High sodium diets deplete calcium too – and that spells bad news for your bones.

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Can these foods improve your skin?

Twelve Foods That Will Improve Your Skin

Whether you want to cultivate smoother, healthier skin or simply want to maintain a youthful complexion well into old age, you need to be aware of the fact that diet can play a huge role. Make sure that you regularly have all of the following twelve foods at your disposal, as they are thought to play the largest role in improving the condition of your skin and helping you to look younger for longer.

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