
Category: Health


6 Surprising, but Science-Backed, Facts about Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is not just a disease of the elderly. Discover six surprising facts about this “silent disease,” including early onset, risk in men & children, and the link between diet and fractures. Learn how to build strong bones and prevent osteoporosis at any age with proper diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices.

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Mysteries of Sleep Across the Human Lifespan

Decoding the Mysteries of Sleep Across the Human Lifespan

This article explores how sleep changes as we age, from deep slumber in childhood to lighter sleep in later years. It also looks at the science behind sleep’s impact on weight, brain health, and even our emotional well-being. Learn why prioritizing sleep at every stage of life is crucial for optimal health and well-being.

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Parkinson’s Disease

Can Vigorous Exercise Slow or Reverse Parkinson’s Disease?

This article explores the potential of vigorous exercise to slow and even reverse Parkinson’s disease progression. A pilot study showed promising results, with high-intensity workouts leading to increased dopamine production and potentially reversing neurodegeneration in the brain. This research suggests that exercise, alongside medication and therapy, could become a crucial part of Parkinson’s treatment, offering patients hope for regaining lost mobility and independence.

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Reducing salt can lower your blood pressure

Making This Change Could Lower Blood Pressure in 75% of People

New research shows reducing salt by just one teaspoon daily can significantly lower blood pressure, even for those on meds. This simple change could be a game-changer for heart health, impacting millions with high blood pressure. Goodbye, processed foods, hello, fresh flavors & spices! ️ Learn how small tweaks can make a significant difference for your heart health.

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Kidneys and kidney disease

Get Moving to Save Your Kidneys: Exercise Protects Diabetics from Chronic Kidney Disease

New research reveals exercise can protect diabetics from developing chronic kidney disease. The 2024 study objectively measured activity levels and found getting over three hundred minutes of moderate or vigorous exercise per week lowered risk of kidney problems by 31% in diabetics. Ramping up activity in the first year also reduced risk, highlighting it’s never too late to benefit from moving more. Another reason to get moving!

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