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Join Cathe and Eggland’s Best in NYC

Cathe will be in New York City on Thursday, June 25th for a media blitz to announce her partnership with Eggland’s Best (EB), America’s No. 1 branded egg, and we would like you to be there too. Cathe and Eggland’s Best will be teaming up to help Americans harness the powerful pairing of healthy fitness…


The New “Cathe Nation” Launches Tomorrow

On Monday,  June 8th we will launch the 2nd phase of the newly redesigned www.thecathenation.com.  Our brand strategy for our two main websites is to focus www.cathe.com on promoting Cathe and our products and to make www.thecathenation.com about you, our customers.  With our new site you will begin to see this vision start to become…

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How Cathe Helped Me Lose Half My Body Weight

At first I was scared of Cathe. Those sculpted biceps! Those chiseled quads! Those heavy barbells! How could a mere mortal like me ever do her DVDs? I was 210 pounds when I discovered Cathe in 2006. I’d spent the previous five years slowly transforming my body from a 350 pound couch potato to a…


June 2009 Rotation

Hi Everyone! This month we are kicking off the summer with Muscle Endurance and Fat Loss using a mixture of the STS workouts and some of the other workouts in my video collection. Enjoy the variety and keep your water intake high, your overall food intake moderate, and your fat intake low. You may now download…

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About.com Reviews STS

Paige Waehner at About.com in a recent video review says that “Cathe’s STS program is one of the most comprehensive, and most impressive, workout series available” and that “There truly is nothing like this (STS) out there”. To read Paige’s complete review at About.com – Click Here You can also read reviews from our customers…

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Getting Back in Shape After the Baby.

Hi Everyone! I’d like to welcome you all to my Blog.  Most recently we have had some new fitness enthusiasts join us (welcome J) and one of the most frequently asked question these last couple of weeks was ” Cathe, what did you do to get in shape after you had your kids?”.  Well as…


Beta 2.4 of the Workout Manager is Now Released

This Memorial Day we’re releasing beta 2.4 of the Workout Manager. This release specifically targets the “Workouts” icon you see located between the “Nutrition” and “STS” icons at the top of the Workout Manager. Now when you click on the “Workouts” icon you will see three choices. 1. Cross Train 2. Weight 3. Cardio The…