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Healthy Recipe Submission Form

Help us build our community by submitting your healthy recipe today. Your Recipe will appear on our website and once we accumulate enough recipes we plan on selecting the best of the best and producing a Cathletes Healthy Recipe Book. Please make sure to fill out all required fields on the submission form, including a…

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Loews Coronado Named 6th Best Family Resort

Our next cathe EB tour event is being held at the luxurious Loews Coronado Hotel in San Diego, CA  March 26th – 28th. The Loews Coronado Hotel is a beautiful resort and was just recently named by Parents Magazine as one of the top ten family Beach Resorts in the world. Here is the complete…

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March is Cathletes Appreciation Month

Starting a new annual tradition, March is now officially Cathletes Appreciation Month. As a way of saying thanks for supporting us for over 20 years we’re offering from March 1st thru March 31st some incredible deals on our DVDs, iPod Workouts, Cathe Gear and Fitness by Cathe accessories and products. Look for  special  discount coupons…

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Looking 10-25 Years Younger – by Karen Kay

People usually guess my age at anywhere from 10 to 25 years younger than what I really am. While I’ll never admit to how old I really am — even if you guessed correctly, I would most definitely lie — I will say that I’m over 55 and exercise to Cathe daily. I think her…

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Cathe’s March 2010 Rotation

Hi Everyone! This month we will shock our systems with a combination of total body weight workouts, split weight workouts, and body part per day weight workouts, and circuit workouts. We will also include various cardio activities and of course, encourage clean eating. Remember the harder you train and the cleaner you eat, the better…

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Time is Running Out to Register for San Diego

Join us, March 26th – 28th, 2010, at the luxurious Loews Coronado Hotel in San Diego, CA for time of your life as you jump, pump, rock and sweat with your fellow Cathletes for an amazing weekend of fun, food, fitness and Cathe. Hurry! -Time is running out to register . Learn More