
Cathlete Appreciation Month DVD Sale

We’re celebrating Cathe’s  induction into the National Fitness Hall of  Fame and “Cathlete Appreciation Month” with special savings for all Cathletes on most of Cathe’s huge selection of DVDs. Not only will you get automatic quantity DVD discounts when you order any of Cathe’s DVDs from shop.cathe.com (no coupon necessary), but you can also use any…

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Cathe’s March 2011 Rotation

Hi Everyone! Now that our buns are super firm from last month’s rotation (Feb 2011) , this month we’ll balance things out and emphasize core and upper body a little more. Of course we’ll still do legs and cardio but we’ll really work the arms and core HARD. “Get Firm” reminders: Eat clean, drink water,…

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Cathe Will be Inducted into the Fitness Hall of Fame This Week.

Cathe will heading to Columbus, OH later this week to be officially inducted into the National Fitness Hall of Fame. The 2011 National Fitness Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony will be held March 5, 2011 in Columbus, Ohio in conjunction with The Arnold Sports Festival. Seven other fitness professionals will also be inducted into the…

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Cathe for the win! by Jesse Hoselton

I am now a Championship Irish dancer. I started dancing a bit later than most dancers typically do and so initially my goals had never been particularly lofty. However, last summer, I was freshly graduated from college, full of possibility and decided that I could, and should, finally go for it and attain the highest…

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Sign Up for Our Next Road Trip

Registration will begin at 1pm (eastern) on Friday, Feb 25, 2011. Space is limited! Registration for our next Road Trip that will be  Walt Disney World® Resort in Florida has now started. Just go to https://cathe.com/roadtrip/disney and click on the Register button. Space is limited and registrations are on a first come first serve basis. $179…

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Sign Up for Our Road Trip at Walt Disney World

Sign Up For Our Road Trip  at Walt Disney  World Starts – Feb 25th – 1pm eastern Yes, it’s official, the next Cathe Road Trip will be held at  Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL Friday, July 1st through Monday, July 4th, 2011. This will truly be the most unique and magical tour event we…