
Cardio Supersets Uses Very Little Equipment

This is picture of Jai and Brenda in Cardio Supersets. The main Cardio Supersets workout only uses a few dumbbells and our Slide N Glide discs. This workout also features several premixes including a special mini step routine that will probably come in time-wise around 20 minutes without the warm-up and cool down. This makes for great…


Back View of Clothes Worn in Cardio Supersets

Group picture from Cardio Supersets of Lorraine, Jai, Cathe, Amanda and Brenda showing the back view of the clothes.  The clothes in this workout are by FeelFitWear and the shoes are Ryka Transitions. If you love high intensity workouts, but not the impact then Cathe’s Low Impact Series is for you! Pre-Order now and save well…


Cardio Supersets Features a Special Premix

Group picture from Cardio Supersets of Lorraine, Jai, Cathe, Amanda and Brenda. The clothes in this workout are by FeelFitWear and the shoes are Ryka Transitions. We filmed special extra footage for one of the premix options for this workout that we will tell you more about  in another post. If you love high intensity…

Eating Eggs Builds Lean Body Mass Better Than Protein Bars
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Eating Eggs Builds Lean Body Mass Better Than Protein Bars

Still getting your protein from protein bars and shakes? There’s a better way. Studies show that eggs are a quality source of protein that the body can readily use to build muscle. Find out more about eggs, and why they’re better than many other sources of protein for athletes.

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Successfully a work in progress by Stephanie

Nine years ago, the best thing happened to me, I became a mom. Since then, I have been blessed with two more children, bringing the grand total to three amazing little boys. With my babies came joy, elation, adoration… and many, many unwanted pounds. Luckily, after my second child was born six years ago, I…