How to Stay Hydrated Without Feeling Full During a Workout
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How to Stay Hydrated Without Feeling Full During a Workout

Hydration is critical for safety and for athletic performance. Unfortunately, some athletes feel full and bloated when they drink fluids during a workout. This article discusses ways to stay hydrated during exercise without feeling full or heavy.

Create Healthier Home-Made Pizza Your Family Will Love
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Create Healthier Home-Made Pizza Your Family Will Love

You’ve vowed to help your family eat healthier this year which usually means saying goodbye to favorite foods like home-made pizza. But what if you could keep your resolution and still serve your family the food they love? Home-made pizza tops the list as one of our favorite junk foods but with a few simple changes you can create a healthier version without losing any flavor.

Beyond Broccoli: The Exceptional Health Benefits of Cruciferous Vegetables
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Beyond Broccoli: The Exceptional Health Benefits of Cruciferous Vegetables

You already know the health benefits of vegetables, but there’s a class of vegetables that stand out when it comes to warding off disease – cruciferous vegetables. Find out what makes cruciferous veggies so special and how to get more of them.