What Can We Learn From the Slimmest Countries in the World?


Americans are often touted as being poor eaters due to their penchant for fast food restaurants and soft drinks. According to statistics published on Reuters, the United States is the most obese country with almost 34% of its residents tipping the scales at a weight that puts them at danger for health problems. Mexico ranks second with a 30% obesity rate. New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Canada follow closely behind. The rankings may vary depending on the survey, but these countries almost always rank high on the obesity scale. But what about the leanest countries in the world? Which countries have the fewest obese citizens, and what can we learn from them?

The Slimmest Countries

Some countries have a low rate of obesity because their citizens don’t have enough to eat, but among countries with easy access to food, certain countries are noted for having lean and slender citizens.


The Japanese are among the most slender in the world. It would be tempting to attribute their lean bodies to genetics, but when they move to the United States and adopt a Western lifestyle, their weight rises along with their risk for health problems like heart disease and diabetes. The Japanese choose more fish and tofu as their protein sources and eat less red meat. They also sip green tea between meals, which gives their metabolism a subtle boost.

Their foods choices are different too. Vegetables are emphasized more than in Western countries, and they consume more sea vegetables such as seaweed and kelp, which may have anti-cancer properties and help with weight control. In addition, the Japanese stop eating when they are 80% full rather than going back for seconds and thirds.

They also place their food on smaller plates and it’s as much a feast for the eyes as for the tummy. As a result, they eat them more slowly and savor the beauty and unique tastes of what they put on their plate. Mindless snacking isn’t a part of the Japanese culture. They’re also more physically active since fewer people travel by car.


It’s true that French women are less likely to get fat. Just 7% of women and 8% of men are obese in France. Their secret? They eat more whole foods and avoid processed ones that are usually loaded with fat, salt, calories and sugar. They also are satisfied with smaller portions. Needless to say, an all-you-can-eat buffet would be out of place in France. The emphasis is on small quantities of high-quality, whole foods that are high in nutritional value. Unlike the typical Western diet, they emphasize seafood and fresh fruits and vegetables. When they indulge, they do so by enjoying portions to get the taste without the additional calories.


The Chinese are also a slender nation, but their recent fondness for McDonald’s may eventually increase their rate of obesity. The Chinese consume large amounts of food, but the foods they choose are high in tummy-filling fiber. Unlike the typical Western diet where vegetables are an afterthought, vegetables have often taken center stage in China. Like the French and Japanese, they don’t eat past the point of being full. They also frequently sip hot soup before a meal, which helps to satiate their appetite so they eat fewer calories overall. The Chinese also don’t characteristically end the meal with a high-calorie dessert. Instead, they might enjoy a bowl of fruit.

The Bottom Line?

Countries that have lower rates of obesity also have healthier eating habits. What can we learn? Fewer processed foods, smaller portions, more fiber-rich vegetables, less dessert, and more activity. Sounds like a recipe for weight control success.



Economics Help. “Obesity Rates Worldwide”
WebMD. “French Diet Secret: Eat Well but Stay Active”
Reuters. “Most Obese Countries”


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