Tips for Building Lean Body Mass if You’re an Ectomorph

Tips for Building Lean Body Mass if You're an EctomorphSome women have to watch their calorie intake to avoid gaining body fat, but some females have the opposite problem. They’re blessed with a naturally fast metabolism that keeps them lean – sometimes too lean. Ask some ectomorphs, male and female, and they’ll tell you they want to put on lean body mass and become more defined but have a difficult time doing it. That’s because ectomorphs are “hard gainers” and struggle to build muscle. Can ectomorphs build muscle – and what’s the best way to do it?

Can Ectomorphs Build Lean Body Mass?

It’s certainly possible for women with an ectomorphic body type to build muscle but it’s more challenging. In contrast to people with mesomorphic builds who build lean body mass easily, ectomorphs have to put in more effort and focus more on nutrition. If you fall into this category and you’re working out with a pair of three-pound weights, you’re not going to get lean defined look you want. Likewise, circuit workouts using lighter weights that build muscular endurance won’t give you the definition you’re looking for.

Unfortunately, some women shy away from using heavier weights for fear of getting “bulky.” Most women don’t have to worry about getting too big even if they lift heavy weights – and ectomorphs have even less to worry about. If you have a naturally ectomorphic build, there are a number of things you can do to boost your ability to build lean body mass.

Lift Heavy

Ectomorphs need to lift heavy to build lean body mass. If you’re a hard-gainer, stick with heavy weights and a moderate number of reps. Don’t worry – you’re not in danger of becoming muscle bound. Far from it. Train each body part no more than once or twice a week and use a weight that’s difficult to lift more than six to ten repetitions. If the weight is light enough that you can do more reps, increase the weight. You should really have to focus to eke out that last rep.

Lifting to near failure will maximize the stress you put on your muscles and give them the stimulus they need to grow, assuming you fuel them with good nutrition. Rest for at least a minute between sets to ensure your muscles have recovered enough to lift maximally on the next set. Do two to three sets of each exercise. Using an even heavier weight that you can only lift a few times will build strength but it won’t create the metabolic stimulus your muscles need to grow. Likewise, lifting lighter weights and doing more reps won’t either. You need the right amount of volume and intensity to build lean body mass.

If you’re an ectomorph and trying to build muscle, limit the amount of time you spend doing cardio. Extra long cardio sessions, especially if you’re not eating enough carbs, can put your body into a catabolic state and make it more difficult to build muscle. Do high-intensity interval cardio workout and shorten the duration to around 20 to 30 minutes. Many ectomorphic women spend more time doing cardio than resistance training. That’s one reason they don’t build lean body mass. Cut back a little on cardio and focus more on resistance training.

Focus on Nutrition

Good nutrition is vital for anyone trying to build lean body mass but it’s especially important for ectomorphs. If you’re an ectomorph, you already know how important it is to consume enough calories, but make sure the calories you’re consuming are QUALITY ones. Even though you don’t put on weight easily, skip the sugar treats and simple carbs.

Choose more fiber-rich carbs from whole food sources combined with high-quality protein from sources like fatty fish, chicken breasts and turkey. Eat fruits and vegetables but include more calorie dense vegetables like sweet potatoes and avocados. Avocados are also a source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. Get more of your fat from sources like fatty fish, nuts, flaxseed, and avocados.

How often are you eating? Increase the frequency of your meals. Instead of eating three meals a day, eat five or six smaller meals with a macronutrient composition of around 50% carbs, 25% healthy fats and 25% protein. Keep a record of what you’re eating to make sure you’re consuming enough calories for your activity level. If you’re trying to gain weight, you’ll need to consume more calories, but if you’re eating “cleanly” and lifting heavy, you should put on more lean body mass than fat.

The best time to eat simple carbohydrates is right after a workout along with a snack that contains about 30 grams of protein. Simple carbs will boost insulin release so amino acids from the protein snack can more easily enter muscle cells for growth and repair.

Some experts will tell you not to eat after dinner but that’s not true if you’re an ectomorph trying to gain lean body mass. Eat a light snack of protein and fiber-rich carbs before bedtime. A drop in blood sugar triggers the release of cortisol and leads to the breakdown of muscle tissue. You want to avoid a catabolic state by eating frequently, having a light snack before bedtime and not skipping meals.

The Bottom Line?

You can build muscle if you’re an ectomorph but circuit workouts using lighter weights and lots of cardio won’t give you the muscle definition you’re looking for. Lift heavy – and don’t skimp on nutrition.



Exercise Physiology. McCardle, Katch, and Katch (2002)


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