Tag: lifestyle

How much control do you have over aging, including skin aging?

How Much Control Do You Have Over Aging?

Aging – it’s something we don’t like to think about, but it happens. We often hear about the importance lifestyle plays in health but can it slow down the aging process? How much control do we really have over how fast we age?

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Why Lifestyle Changes, Even Healthy Ones, Are Hard

Why Lifestyle Changes, Even Healthy Ones, Are Hard

Changing the way you eat and how you exercise isn’t always easy. Old, less healthy habits can become so deeply ingrained that changing them takes time. Find out some of the pitfalls you might encounter when changing your lifestyle and how to get around them.

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What is the Thrifty Genes Hypothesis?

What is the Thrifty Genes Hypothesis?

Do you have “thrifty genes?” Some experts believe these genes make it harder to lose weight and avoid weight-related health problems like obesity and type 2 diabetes. Find out what they are and what role they may play in weight loss.

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Combat Cellular Aging by Sitting Less

Combat Cellular Aging by Sitting Less

Whether we look it or not, cells age. Still, you do have some control over how quickly the cells inside your body age. A new study shows a simple lifestyle change, sitting less, could help slow down the cellular aging process. Find out how exercise, even unstructured exercise you do throughout the day, keeps cells young.

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4 Powerful Hormones and How They Impact Your Weight

4 Powerful Hormones and How They Impact Your Weight

What you eat and how you train affect your weight but behind the scenes you have to deal with the effects of hormones that regulate your appetite and metabolism. Lifestyle, dietary habits and exercise can all impact these hormones. Discover 4 major hormones that influence your weight.

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