Tag: glycogen stores

image of group of unrecognizable runners outdoors. Long distance running.

How Much Glycogen Can Your Body Store?

We know that muscle glycogen is important for supplying the energy your body needs for high-intensity exercise. How much glycogen can your muscles actually store and is there a way to increase that amount?

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4 Fuel Sources Your Body Can Use During Exercise

4 Fuel Sources Your Body Can Use During Exercise

Your body needs large amounts of energy to fuel muscle contractions. Where does that energy come from? This article discusses the sources your body uses to fuel exercise at different intensities and durations and why it’s important to refuel after a workout.

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eating bananas

Why Eating Bananas May Be Better Than a Sports Drink

Are you still sipping a sports drink to get your carbs and electrolytes during a long workout? You may be able to ditch the sports drink for fruit, more specifically, a banana. A new study shows that bananas have more going for them when it comes to replacing lost electrolytes and replenishing glycogen stores than

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