Tag: antioxidants

Antioxidants and the risk of cancer

Do Antioxidants Lower the Risk of Cancer?

One way to lower your risk of health problems, including cancer, is to eat a healthy diet. In fact, experts believe that we can prevent at least 30% of cancers through lifestyle. Do some sources recommend eating an antioxidant-rich diet? Is there evidence that antioxidants reduce the risk of cancer. Find out what a new study shows.

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image of four cups of tea which are source of antioxidants

Is Tea a Reliable Source of Antioxidants?

You’ve probably heard that green and white tea is a good source of antioxidants but how many of those antioxidants actually reach your tissues where they can offer benefits? Find out what research shows about tea as a reliable source of antioxidants.

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How HIIT Training Improves Exercise Endurance

How HIIT Training Improves Exercise Endurance

Despite the fact that high-intensity interval training workouts are usually brief, they improve exercise endurance similarly to sustained periods of moderate-intensity exercise. Now, researchers believe they know why. You’ll also discover why you shouldn’t load up on antioxidants prior to a HIIT training session. 

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Antioxidants help fight free radicals, but can you get too many.

Can You Get Too Many Antioxidants?

We think of antioxidants as being protective against free radicals, disease and against aging – but can you get too much of a good thing? This article looks at the role antioxidants play in health and why antioxidant supplements may actually be harmful. 

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Are Sprouted Grains Healthier?

Are Sprouted Grains Healthier?

Sprouted grains are trendy right now. Visit a health food store or natural food market and you’ll find a sprouted grain flour, sprouted grain cereals, and even sprouted grain pasta. The question is whether sprouted grains offer more nutrition than unsprouted whole grains. Find out what research shows.

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