
Category: Blog

Muscle Loss

5 Cellular Mechanisms that Contribute to Age-Related Muscle Loss

Discover the five cellular mechanisms driving age-related muscle loss and learn how to combat them. Understand the complex interplay of factors affecting muscle health and find out how to maintain strength and independence as you age. Read on to uncover the science behind sarcopenia and take the first step towards a healthier, more active life.

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Protein Myths

Beyond the Hype: Busting 5 Common Protein Myths

Protein is essential, but how much do you really need in your diet, and what kind? This article dispels 5 common myths about protein requirements, quality of plant vs animal sources, impacts on hormones and kidneys, and what role protein supplements from sources like protein powder play.

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Cathe Mega Boss Sale

Our Biggest Sale! – Save Over $250!!!

Cathe’s Mega Boss Sale ENDS 6-14-24Take Advantage Now Of Our Mega Boss Sale and You Can Save More Than $250 – The More You Buy The More You Save!Our Cathe Mega Boss Sale has now started. This is our biggest sale of the year and simply put, the more you buy the more you save. This is

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