Coffee & Sleep
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Sipping a Cup of Coffee Won’t Make Up for Too Little Sleep. Here’s Why

If you didn’t sleep enough the night before, you might chug a cup or two of caffeinated coffee to help you stay focused and alert. However, research finds that sipping a few cups of coffee won’t make up for a night of poor sleep. Find out why.

Strength Training
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5 Ways to Get More Benefits from Strength Training (#3 is a Sticking Point for Some)

When you strength train, you want results! Are you getting the full benefits from the strength training you do? If not, here are some tips you can use to get more out of each strength session that you do without spending more time.

Liposomal Vitamin C
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What is Liposomal Vitamin C and Is It Beneficial?

Vitamin C is an antioxidant vitamin critical for collagen production and for immune health. It’s best to get vitamin C from food sources, but if you don’t eat a fruit and veggie-rich diet, you might opt for a vitamin C supplement. This article will look at what liposomal vitamin C is and whether it offers advantages over a standard vitamin C supplement.

Cathe's September 2021 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s September 2021 Workout Rotation

This month ( September 2021 Workout Rotation ) we will focus on hitting the muscles with a mix of both weight training as well as training with the resistance of band and body-weight work to give you the best bang for your buck! We’ll sprinkle in some intense cardio to keep everything firing throughout the month! Give each workout everything you’ve got! If you feel that an extra rest day is needed at any point always listen to your body and take one. You’ve got this! Get in there and get some results!