Visceral fat
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Everything about Visceral Fat: Why It’s Harmful, Measuring It, and How to Reduce Deep Belly Fat

Visceral fat is a problem for many people, especially those who are overweight or obese. In this article, we’ll explore everything there is to know about visceral fat: why it’s harmful, how to measure it, and what you can do to reduce deep belly fat.

Cathe September 2022 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s September 2022 Workout Rotation

This month (September 2022 Workout Rotati0n) we’ll focus on strength and cardio endurance with a mix of weight days and some higher-intensity cardio routines. Both the upper and lower body will be hit twice each week, once on consecutive days, and as a total body workout later in the week. Mix that with fat-burning, muscle-shaping cardio and you’ll earn yourself some great results! Take extra rest as needed and fuel your body to support your workout schedule! Don’t forget to have fun!