
Three Ways to Listen!

Just like the Body Blast series, our new DVDs will feature three different ways to listen to Cathe’s four new workouts: #1 Normal Mix (Recommended) #2 Vocals Only #3 Music Louder Mix We had some reservations about offering this feature again, but finally decided to offer this time. We look forward to hearing what you…


We’re the Blog, Resistance to Our Presale is Futile!

The Picture on the left was secretly taken aboard The Blog Cube by Jean-Luc Picard. 1 of 5 (aka: Cathe) is shown in this picture with her fellow drones (formerly known as Cedie, Lorraine, Brenda and Jai) as they plot the assimilation of the planet earth into the Blog. Cathe could be heard sending the…

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Drill Max Premixes

Good Afternoon Everyone! Today’s picture is of  Dive Bomber Pushups from our Drill Max workout. These are really challenging pushups due mostly to the steep angle they are performed at. They also provide an excellent upper body workout as you will feel these working your chest, triceps, shoulder, back and core. If that isn’t enough,…


Cathe Was Back in the Studio on Friday…

Cathe was back in her studio on Friday, September 8, 2006 shooting some footage and being interviewd by Dr. Anna Marie (Health Specialist/The Weather Channel,Executive Producer/Your Life). Joining Cathe in the studio were several members from our club and Lorraine and Nancy. We will let you know when these segments and interview air.