
Sanity Preservation – by Wendy

The past 2 years have been perhaps the toughest years of my life. After having a beautiful little girl in 2005, we decided to try again in 2007. Unfortunately, shortly after becoming pregnant I lost the baby in December of 2007. Doctors told me that it was just “bad luck”. Then after a few months…

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Receive a FREE $100 Gift Certificate

One of our more popular sections on our website is our success story section. Your success story can help other Cathletes, who are facing similar challenges, to obtain and reach their goals. Help us build our community by submitting your success story today. Your motivational story can help to inspire others and we would love…

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STS Strength and Cardio Rotation

Happy New Year Everyone! The following three month rotation is designed to get you into the best shape of your life. This rotation is safe, effective and based on scientific studies to bring you maximal results. If you prefer, you may opt to do a double cardio session on any given day, however, this is…

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MMA Kickbox video clip

We have now posted our 3rd MMA video clip. MMA Kickbox is a 53 minute high intensity workout that will blast fat, build stamina, increase flexibility and muscle endurance. After a warm up, you’ll do three punching and kicking combinations, followed by a sports specific cardio drill to whip you into incredible shape. MMA Kickbox…