Knees and how you can protect them
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7 Ways to Protect Your Knees When You Exercise

You need healthy knees to exercise and to do the many activities you do each day. Some forms of exercise place stress on your knees, especially if you don’t use good form. However, exercise can also lower your risk of knee injury & even improve the symptoms of knee arthritis. Here are 7 ways to do it safely.

Cathe's January 2021 Kickstart Workout Rotation 

Cathe’s January 2021 Kickstart Workout Rotation 

What better way to make sure we kick the year off right than with my new intense January 2021 Kickstart Workout Rotation ! Whether you’re setting fresh goals or continuing where you left off last year, this rotation is sure to burn off some extra Christmas cookies! This rotation mixes my newest series, Perfect 30, with the Ripped with HiiT series for an intense, super sweaty month of challenging workouts! Each week will include one day of yoga and one day of mobility to offset five days of intense routines! If you need any extra rest or stretch days please take them! Let’s get in and get to it! 

Cathe lifting lighter weights
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Lifting Heavier May Boost Muscle Efficiency More Than Lifting Lighter Weights

You can build muscle by lifting heavy weights or lighter ones, as long as you work your muscles to fatigue. However, a new study shows there may be advantages to lifting at a high percentage of your one-rep max some of the time. Here’s why.