Tag: workouts

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FAQ for Strong and Sweaty and Cycle Sweat

We won’t be able to answer  detailed questions about the new workouts until they’re finished being filmed and edited, but if you have general questions about our new workouts (Strong and Sweaty and Cycle Sweat) make sure to first check our FAQ page. It should answer most of your questions.

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Ad for Cathe's ICE Workout Series

Only ICE Gives You all of This!

Now In Stock! – ICE Discount Bundle Ships Worldwide for Free! “Cathe! You’ve done it again! Amazing! Amazing! Amazing! Absolutely LOVED! Low Impact Sweat! Music was perfect! Had the stereo bumpin! BREATHING the whole time. Can’t wait to do all the other ICE DVDs.”  –  Nicole Schenck All Exercise DVDs Are Not Created Equal! Our

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The Profound Effects of Exercise by Joy

The Profound Effects of Exercise by Joy

My name is Joy. I am a stay-at-home mother to four beautiful children and wife to an amazing husband. Eight years ago I became pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl, and delivered them via c-section at 37 weeks gestation with no problems. Within 10 months I found myself pregnant again and quickly after my second delivery I was pregnant again for the third time, so that, in three years and three months, I had delivered all four of my children.

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Lost Cathe’s Chapters on Your iPhone?

Lost Cathe’s Chapters on Your iPhone?

When Apple released iOS 7 last year, the ability to use chapters in Cathe’s downloadable videos seemed to have disappeared. While partially true, there is an easy solution to re-enable the use of chapters. For some reason, Apple decided to classify any non-iTunes movies as “Home Movies” in iOS 7, and also disabled the use of chapters for home movies. To fix this, you need to go back into iTunes to instruct the video player to see Cathe’s workouts as regular movies again. Here is the step-by-step guide for accomplishing tha

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