Does Wearing an Activity Tracker Help with Weight Loss?
Activity tracker are popular right now. They can give you feedback on how active you are – but can they really help you lose weight? Find out what research shows.
Activity tracker are popular right now. They can give you feedback on how active you are – but can they really help you lose weight? Find out what research shows.
Aerobic exercise doesn’t just lower the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, studies show it may reduce the risk of cancer as well. Read on and discover five ways that exercise battles cancer and what type of exercise is best.
Are you counting on exercise alone to lose weight? Although exercise is vital for health and for a healthy body composition, it, alone, may not be enough to control your weight. Here’s why.
True or false? Eating dinner late or snacking in the evening leads to weight gain. Now, a new study sheds light on this controversial issue. Get the full scoop.
The calories you burn during a structured workout help with weight control – but what about the calories you expend doing incidental exercise – the things you do every day? A new study suggests that these movements count towards staying a healthy body weight as well.
You hear a lot about the spice tumeric these days, how healthful it is. More people are cooking with it and even adding it to smoothies. Are the health benefits of turmeric real? Find out what potential benefits it offers.
You’ve heard it before – drink more water. Now, a new study points out another reason to make sure you’re drinking enough water. It could impact the health of your heart and blood vessels. Find out how even mild dehydration affects your health and how your blood vessels behave.
You hear a lot about healthygut bacteria these days and how eating more probiotic-rich foods helps keep your digestive tract healthy. Yet probiotic bacteria do more than keep your intestinal tract healthy. Here are four reasons why you need more gut-friendly probiotic foods in your diet.
Recently, small studies have suggested that what you eat and how much is more important for controlling weight than physical activity. Don’t be too quick to believe it. According to a new study, exercise trumps diet for weight control as you age. Get the full story.
Metabolism slows with age. As a result, you have to work a little harder to control your weight. Sleep plays an important role in all aspects of health, especially if you’re physically active. It even impacts muscle recovery after a workout. Read on and find out what role sleep plays in muscle growth and weight control.
What can kids teach you about fitness and nutrition? A surprising amount. Young children are more in touch with their bodies and naturally enjoy movement. Discover 5 things kids can teach you about staying fit and healthy.
Coffee is a popular drink and one that has some surprising health benefits. Coffee has almost no calories, making it a low calorie drink to sip if you’re trying to control your weight. Does coffee have weight control benefits that go beyond the fact it’s low in calories? Read on and find out what research shows about coffee and weight control.