Tag: taste buds

Sugar May Taste Sweeter to You Than Someone Else

Sugar May Taste Sweeter to You Than Someone Else

Are you a reformed sugar lover? New research shows sugar tastes sweeter to some people, which partially explains why some individuals have a hard time kicking the sugar habit. The same goes for some healthy foods like vegetables. Find out more.

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Smell and Appetite: Do Overweight People Smell Food Differently?

Smell and Appetite: Do Overweight People Smell Food Differently?

You might think how a food tastes drive you to eat, but research shows smell plays an important role too. Do people who are overweight perceive smells differently than thin people? This article discusses the role smell plays in the drive to eat. It also focuses on research suggesting some people may be more “aroma sensitive” and overeat as a result.

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A taste for healthy foods forms early

Food Preferences: A Taste for Healthy Foods Forms Early

What if you were born with a taste for healthy foods? That would certainly make it easier to get your fruits and veggies, wouldn’t it? As it turns out, food preferences may be formed early – very early – as early as in utero. So if you want your future kids to love eating foods that are good for them, load up on healthy foods during pregnancy.

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Why is it so hard yo kick your salt habit

Why It’s So Hard to Cut Back on Salt

Salt – it seems to be in everything you eat these days. That’s not a good thing when it comes to the health of your blood vessels. But why is it so hard to reduce the amount of salt in your diet? This article discusses why we crave salt and the best way to break the salt habit.

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Are your taste buds responsible for your love of the taste of fat?

Love the Taste of Fat? It Could Be in Your Taste Buds

We have receptors on our tongue that can detect the taste of something sweet, salty, sour, bitter and savory, but what about fat? The taste of fat may be joining the ranks as a taste your taste buds can sense and respond to, and, this may explain why some people crave fatty foods.

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