Tag: probiotics

7 things you might not know about store-bought yogurt

7 Things You Might Not Know About Yogurt

What is your yogurt I.Q? Here are seven facts you may not know about store-bought yogurt. Discover what you don’t know about this high-protein, rich and creamy food and how to choose the best type of yogurt for your needs.

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Probiotics and Prebiotics: What’s the Difference and Why Does It Matter?

Probiotics and Prebiotics: What’s the Difference and Why Does It Matter?

Probiotics are gut-friendly bacteria that offer health benefits. Good sources are yogurt with live cultures and other fermented foods like miso, tempeh and sauerkraut. What you may be less familiar with are prebiotics, the “food” probiotic need to survive. Find out more about the benefits of adding prebiotics to your diet and what the best sources are.

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Do Gut Bacteria Cause You to Crave Certain Foods?

Do Gut Bacteria Cause You to Crave Certain Foods?

Craving unhealthy foods? Bacteria in your gut may be to blame. A new study shows the type of bacteria that make their home in your gut may have an effect on your food choices and the types of foods you crave. Find out what role gut bacteria play in controlling your weight – and the type of foods you crave.

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Probiotics and Weight Control: How Gut Bacteria May Impact Your Weight

Probiotics and Weight Control: How Gut Bacteria May Impact Your Weight

Your intestines are full of bacteria. There’s increasing evidence that the composition of the bacteria in your gut plays a role in controlling fat, especially belly fat. Find out about a new study linking gut bacteria to body weight and whether changing the type of bacteria in your gut by getting more probiotics helps with weight control.

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natural sources of probiotics

6 Natural Sources of Probiotics

Are you getting enough probiotics in your diet? If not, here are six natural sources of probiotics you can buy at your local supermarket or health food store. It’s better than swallowing a supplement.

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