Tag: muscle confusion

So why do we offer two types of Upper Body Workouts in XTrain?

So why do we offer two types of Upper Body Workouts in XTrain?

So why do we offer two types of Upper Body Workouts in XTrain? Since XTrain is an undulating workout and is all about giving you more options it has been designed so that you can easily switch or mix the various Xtrain upper body strength workouts each week. This is why both 10 rep and 16 rep XTrain upper body videos work the exact same muscle groups. Read on to learn why Cathe structured the XTrain upper body workouts the way she did.

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A Plateau Breakthrough!

I’ve been working out with Cathe for 10 years and enjoy ALL of her DVDs… Cathe has helped through so many milestones in my life… getting my body back after the birth of both my boys, getting me strong and fit as I trained for 2 marathons and just putting a smile on my face

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Certainly, there will always be different opinions on which exercise routine is the best, but we feel there are seven important differences between STS and almost any other workout series you could purchase. Here is why: 1. STS offers a different workout every time: Not only does this help to decrease boredom, but also keeps

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Cathe’s June 2011 Rotation

Hi Everyone! This month we will do muscle confusion in a new format. We will do endurance one week, strength the next week, power the third week and a little of all of them on the fourth week. Shock your system, burn fat, create lean muscle mass and condition your heart. That’s the way to

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Spotlight on STS Total Body

STS Total Body features both compound and isolation exercises, but to keep the workout as short as possible we’ve put the greatest emphasis on the multi-joint compound exercises and have kept the isolation exercises to a minimum. But don’t be fooled, by that word minimum because everything about this workout is maximum….maximum intensity, maximum variety

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May 2010 Rotation

Hi Everyone! This month we are doing a random rotation that will completely confuse your muscles. Some workouts are long, some are short, some are heavy some are light, etc. Remember constant muscle confusion equals constant results. But exercise is only half the equation. If you want even better results eat a clean well balanced

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October 2009 Rotation

Hi Everyone! This month we are going to do an undulating STS rotation. This rotation is designed for ultimate muscle confusion. It is an advanced rotation and is only suggested if you are an avid and seasoned weightlifter (ie: been lifting for at least 6 months to a year). If you are not a seasoned

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