Tag: lack of sleep

Why Lack of Sleep is Bad for Your Heart

Why Lack of Sleep is Bad for Your Heart

Increasingly, studies show the importance of sleep for good health and weight control. However, did you know lack of sleep for even one night has an impact on your heart? Find out why sleep is essential for healthy heart function.

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What Happens to Your Brain When You’re Hungry

What Happens to Your Brain When You’re Hungry

Hunger control is complex and we sometimes override hunger signals and eat anyway. That’s why it’s important to address issues like stress and lack of sleep along with eating balanced meals with protein and fiber. Doing these things can help you fight and win your battle when you hungry.

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What 30 Minutes of less sleep per week can do to you

What 30 Minutes Less Sleep Per Week Can Do to You

Lately, more studies have shown the importance, from a health standpoint, of getting enough sleep. Now a new study shows even minor amounts of lack of sleep have metabolic consequences and can even impact your body weight. Find out, once again, why sleep is part of the “stay healthy” equation just like exercise and nutrition.

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Uh-Oh! Does Stress Slow Your Metabolism?

Uh-Oh! Does Stress Slow Your Metabolism?

When you’re under stress you probably eat a little differently and a little less healthy. This may partially explain why stressed out people are prone towards weight gain. Now a new study identifies another reason -stress may slow your metabolism. Find out more.

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How Too Little Sleep Affects Appetite Hormones?

How Too Little Sleep Affects Appetite Hormones?

People who burn the midnight oil may have more trouble controlling their weight. The reason? It could come down to changes in the levels of two key hormones that control appetite. Find out how lack of sleep affects appetite hormones and your ability to lose weight.

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Should You Exercise When You're Tired or Sleep-Deprived?

Should You Exercise When You’re Tired or Sleep-Deprived?

You slept very little last night and feel exhausted. Still, you feel obligated to fit in a workout. Should you exercise when you’re sleep-deprived or take a day off? Find out why it’s better to rest and recover for a day rather than “push through” a workout when you’re feeling exhausted.

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Overstimulated and Overstressed: How Adrenal Fatigue Leads to Depression, Weight Gain, and Disease

Overstimulated and Overstressed: How Adrenal Fatigue Leads to Depression, Weight Gain, and Disease

Chronic stress is often overlooked as the cause of illness and disease, even though it negatively affects every cell in your body. Certain habits and nutritional deficiencies cause adrenal fatigue, making weight loss and optimal health impossible. Make changes to relieve your stress and reduce adrenal fatigue, and enjoy the improvements in your mental and physical health.

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