Tag: insulin response

5 Nutritional Habits That Boost Fat Loss

5 Nutritional Habits That Boost Fat Loss

If you’re working out regularly and aren’t losing weight and fat, it’s time to scrutinize your diet. Many people assume that because they’re exercising they can be lax with their diet. On the other hand, drastically reducing calories isn’t the answer. Here are five diet and nutrition guidelines that’ll help you get more results from your fitness program.

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4 Ways to Eat Carbs Without Gaining Weight

4 Ways to Eat Carbs Without Gaining Weight

In the era of the Atkins and Dukan diets, some people are afraid of carbs. You shouldn’t be. Carbs are an important part of a healthy diet as long as you know how and when to eat them. Here are four tips for getting your carbs the right way.

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