Tag: insulin resistance

Sleepless Nights

Sleepless Nights, Sugary Blues: The Hidden Link Between Sleep Deprivation and Insulin Resistance

Sleepless nights and sugary cravings may have more in common than you think – chronic sleep loss can trigger insulin resistance, disrupting your body’s ability to process sugars and setting the stage for diabetes. Get the inside scoop on the hidden link between skimping on sleep and blood sugar blues and discover simple strategies to offset insulin resistance by prioritizing your pillow talk.

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Insulin Resistance

5 Surprising Causes of Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance becomes more common with age and with weight gain and being insulin resistance increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Here are some lesser-known causes of insulin resistance.

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Sugar and weight gain

How Sugar and Processed Food Cause Weight Gain

You’ve heard that sugar and processed carbohydrates are bad for you and contribute to weight gain. But why? Here’s why sugary, ultra-processed foods expand your waistline and how to avoid the health perils of too much sugar and junk food. 

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