Tag: hypothalamus

How Brain Neurotransmitters Make It Easier or Harder to Control Your Appetite

How Brain Neurotransmitters Make It Easier or Harder to Control Your Appetite

What is it that motivates you to eat – or to overeat? Your appetite is regulated by a complex group of peptides including appetite hormones like leptin, produced by fat cells. Leptin turns off your appetite and reduces the desire to eat. Ghrelin, a hormone produced by the lining of your stomach has the opposite effect – it strongly stimulates the desire to eat. Think mad rush to the refrigerator! These hormones exert their effects on a portion of your brain called the hypothalamus.

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How Low Calorie Diets Affect Thyroid Function

How Low Calorie Diets Affect Thyroid Function

You already know that your thyroid is the “master gland” when it comes to controlling your metabolism. Have you ever wondered what effect dieting and calorie restriction has on your thyroid function? Read on and find out why it’s not a good idea to cut calories back too low even if you’re trying to lose weight.

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Does high-fructose corn syrup cause you to overeat?

Another Look at Fructose: Does It Cause You to Overeat?

Fructose and high-fructose corn syrup has been in the limelight recently, and not all experts agree on whether high-fructose corn syrup is worse for you than table sugar. Now a study sheds new light on the issue by looking at what happens in your brain when you drink a fructose-sweetened beverage. Find out more.

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leptin resistance

What Is Leptin Resistance and How Does It Affect Your Ability to Lose Weight?

Leptin resistance is a common problem among people who are overweight and obese, and it makes it considerably more challenging to lose weight and maintain it. There are natural ways to reduce inflammation, which should have an impact on leptin resistance. Eliminate processed foods and high-glycemic carbs, and add more fruits, vegetables and fatty fish to your diet.

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