Tag: exercises

muscle groups

6 Major Muscle Groups You Should Target with Your Weight Training

How balanced is your strength training? Here are six muscle groups you should train on a regular basis to avoid muscle imbalances. Remember, weakness in one muscle group can cause injury to others by forcing other muscles to take over the weak muscle’s function. So, keep your training balanced with these exercises.

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Can planks give you six-pack abs?

Will Planks Alone Give You Six-Pack Abs?

Planks are an isometric exercise that targets the muscles in your core, including the abs muscles. If you want more core stability, planks are a must-do exercise. But what about abdominal hypertrophy? Are planks alone enough to give you six-pack abs?

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What are the best exercises for your hamstrings?

What Are the Best Exercises for the Hamstring Muscles?

Most women can benefit from more hamstring training. The hamstrings are the muscles that oppose the quadriceps in the front of the thighs. Many women have stronger quads than they do hamstrings. Curious as to what the best exercises are for building hamstring strength? Here’s what research shows.

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